Before and After: The Ultimate Interior Painting Transformation
Think of your home as a projected embodiment of your own appearance. You would constantly alter your style with new clothes, cosmetic products and different hair styles. This is similar to what needs to be done with the décor of your house. When it becomes stale and mundane you need to give it a facelift.
This may happen once you purchase the home and want to put your own stamp on it or after a few years when everything appears dull and worn out. There are many ways to change up the aesthetic of your interior but one of the most influential has to be through painting. The first impression guests have of your home relies on the colour scheme the moment they are greeted at the door so it is important to have the right one in place. Undertaking this transformation, however, is another thing. It can take skill, patience and financial costs to paint your entire interior so here is some advice to help in doing so.
In order to save costs it is always advisable to try and undertake a home improvement task yourself. Paying for a professional contractor may guarantee you quality but this will also come at a considerable price. You should visit your local DIY store and pick out all the materials you will need such as the type of paint, brushes and rollers, primer, etc.
You need to plan what you are going to do very carefully because there is nothing worse than doing a job poorly or applying material which you later regret. Decide what colour paint you are going to use by discussing it with friends and family prior to any purchases. This will give you an informed decision. The time in which you undertake the task is also important as you need to make sure you have enough time to complete the job fully so plan it for holidays when you will be off work. This will also give you a chance to get other people to help you if they can be off work also. You should have a budget in mind which is affordable and that you can stick to rigorously. Ask the sales people in your DIY store for advice and the most cost effective painting material.
Once the planning has been done and the materials bought it is important to prepare each room for painting. This involves covering or removing the furniture so that none of it becomes damaged. You can even rent a storage unit if you have no room to put all the items. After this you must begin preparing the walls for painting. They need to be extremely clean and smooth so the paint applies correctly without mistakes; wash them with a cloth, vacuum dust and dirt, fill in gaps and sand bumps. You should then mix the paint you intend to use so that you are fully prepared to begin painting as soon as possible. Make sure there is also plenty of appropriate ventilation for the toxic fumes to escape and that you are wearing a mask along with coveralls to avoid contaminating your clothes.
Now you should begin painting using a roller for large surfaces and a brush for intricate parts such as edges of walls and around obstacles. Before this, however, you can opt to apply primer to the surface so that the paint comes off smoother and more effective but this is a judgement call. In my opinion it is a step that may take longer but is worth it in the long run. It is also relatively cheap but will add roughly a day to your agenda in terms of waiting for it to dry. When you are painting use even vertical strokes and make sure to thoroughly go over each area. Once you are finished you should clean all your materials and store them away safely.